Introduction: What is Electrocution and What are the Risks?

The word electrocution is derived from the word electricity, which means a form of energy that can produce an electric current. Electrocution is the act of killing someone by passing electricity through their body. It can happen when someone touches a live wire or when they are in contact with a high-voltage source.

Electrocution has many risks that can result in death. The most common risk is cardiac arrest, which occurs when the heart stops beating due to an electric shock. Other risks include burns and injuries to internal organs such as the lungs and brain.

The First Line of Defense in Preventing Electric Shock is Prevention

In this section, you'll learn how to avoid electrocution through prevention tips.

1) Check the power supply before use - Make sure it's turned off and then make sure that it’s not in use.

A power supply is an integral part of any computer system. Power supplies convert the alternating current (AC) electricity from a wall socket into direct current (DC) electricity that a computer can use.

2) Avoid water - Never touch any electrical devices if you are standing on a wet surface.

Never touch any electronic devices if you are standing on a wet surface. It is common knowledge that electricity and water don't mix. So if you have to access the internet, watch TV or make a phone call, do not touch any of these devices while you are standing in any form of water.

3) Turn off the circuit breaker or unplug an appliance from the outlet if there is a safety problem with it including any sparking, smoke, odor, or overheating

There are a few steps that you should take when there is a safety problem with your appliance. First, if the appliance has an on/off switch, turn it off. Second, if the appliance is plugged in or cordless and sparks or smokes, unplug it from the outlet. Third, if it doesn't have a power switch and you smell smoke or see sparks or other damage to its cord

4) Stay away from downed power lines - Never go near a fallen power line or one that is lying on anything that you could stand on.

The most common cause of electrocution is coming in contact with a downed power line. Never go near a fallen power line or one that is lying on anything that you could stand on. If you are in a car, stay inside.