According to a report by The Guardian, NASA is working on a cutting-edge system that will revolutionise space exploration by enabling astronauts to perform manoeuvres, conduct experiments, and engage in other activities using a natural-language interface that is similar to ChatGPT's features.

Speaking at an IEEE conference on next-generation space communication, Dr. Larissa Suzuki emphasised the goal of developing conversational exchanges between people and spacecraft. The planned technology will let spacecraft convey alerts and share fascinating discoveries from the solar system and beyond in addition to allowing astronauts to communicate their commands and questions. Dr. Suzuki emphasised that this technology is moving from the domain of science fiction into the actual world.

The main objective of NASA is to integrate this cutting-edge equipment on its Lunar Gateway, a space station intended to orbit the Moon and offer essential assistance to the Artemis mission. With the planned natural language interface, astronauts would be able to ask for help with tests or carry out manoeuvres without having to wade through lengthy manuals. NASA wants to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of its missions by streamlining and simplifying these exchanges, which will ultimately advance our understanding of space.

NASA recognised the critical function of AI and machine learning technologies in managing various systems during times when the station is unoccupied in a specific initiative seeking small business assistance for Lunar Gateway. These systems include the control of the Gateway's health, the prioritising of data transmission, and autonomous science payload operations. The station would be able to operate autonomously and handle unforeseen challenges, such data transmission hiccups or digital blackouts, if AI and machine learning were integrated into these functions.

Dr. Suzuki gave an illustration of a situation in which an AI system would automatically fix flaws and inefficiencies in data transfer as well as other software-related issues. The creation of automated fixes is required since it is impractical to send an engineer into orbit each time an orbiting vehicle runs into a problem. NASA wants to secure the reliable operation of spacecraft by utilising AI technology, which will lessen the need for human involvement in case of minor or frequent technical issues.